Simulator Laser Camera Joke Відгуки


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Gave me Cancer

I pointed the laser at my hair and it burnt off giving me stage 5 cancer killing me on impact. 5 stars P.S this app was the best thing that ever happened


It didn’t even work and all it did was make a sound so not get this app.

Didn't work

This app claims to work with IOS 6.0. This doesn't work with a iPhone 5c running well over IOS 10.0.0

Fake reviews

Do not waste your time

Camera laser Joke

What a stupid app. Who wants to pretend that they have a laser pointer for their cats, when you can go to the store and buy them for around $3 dollars. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS GAME FOR ANYONE OVER THREE, and I even doubt they would be entertained. It’s free and still not worth it.

Gave me heart palpitations

This game reminds me of the dead horse in my bathroom. Best game I’ve ever sniffed. Taste like a fish tank in a fish tanks tank with no meat in the water or a tank top and no meat on it so far so I can get it all out and I don’t think it’s going anywhere near that level but it looks good on the shelf I don’t think I have to go back and check the water and I think it’s just the one I got for my boat I think I got a couple more but I’m going back and I’m going back in a couple days to check the waters so I’ll let it in. Thanks again and have fun and have fun and enjoy the fish tanks for the weekend and I’ll talk with the fish tank for you and the boat for you and I’ll talk with your dad for a couple days love and I’ll see what I need you for dinner yesterday. I accidentally mailed my mail man tomorrow but I like to eat cheese so it makes up for the meat I shoved in my daughters fridge.


I got this app at church bc I was bored and it did not show the laxer through the lens and the light was showing on the screen who ever made that app you never done it before so bad would not recommend 😔😔😔😔😔😔

Nice app

I heard that you spend more time on the laser app than having more time with your wife so all I say is family is more important than phones. It dislike me.

Do not wast your time

It sucked

Don’t get this

It doesn’t work. They just want people to like they’re app

Super dope app

Ok so I got this app in order to point lasers at airplanes and try to make them crash. This became my nightly routine, I would go onto my roof to watch for planes. Only problem was that my wife said I spent more time on the laser app than in the bedroom with her. Long story short, my wife left me and took everything. She took the house, the dogs, my 6 children and my dignity. I honestly am totally ok with this whole scenario. As long as I have my laser app installed, I’m able to keep myself distracted from the fact that I am going to be homeless within the next few weeks. The laser app giveth and the laser app taketh awayeth; but I wouldn’t ever delete it, even if it meant my life went back to normal. I highly recommend this app to anybody who is in an unhappy marriage and want a reason to leave their wife. 5 stars


This app is SOOOOOOOO WONDERFUL I used it to attract the attention of one lovely lady😏😏. Everyone who says this is fake is a big stinky liar because it works spectacular🤙🏿🤙🏿🤙🏿🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🔞🔞🔞👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯👨🏿‍🦼👨🏿‍🦼👨🏿‍🦼🐙🐙

I hate this game so much

This game is so fake that I just wanna throw a bottle at this The creator


Wanted to try the app because I wanted to play with my foster kittens and it was a complete rip off

Doesn’t work

Waste of time does not work


It did not work and my mom tried but it does not work do not download


It’s so bad I want to give it a zero but that’s not possible so I give it a ONE, This is the stupidest app ever there’s no lazer it doesn’t work DONT GET THE APP there’s no point


The laser doesn’t really come out of camera like the App Store said TRASH

It doesn’t work 👎

It doesn’t work 👎

Don’t Get This App.

This is probably the worst possible app ever to excist I would get this app because I have a cat.So basically I would get a question asking if the app is allowed to have my camera use.And I pressed yes.But the interestingly bad part is I would choose my laser and all the colors.But the stupid and dumb game would not work.I do not recommend.


0/100 you can’t even use the laser irl


When I first got this game I thought it was gonna be like a little later that came out of the camera and could be used on like your dog or cat or something.but no it was literally just a laser on the screen and did nothing!!! Do not get this game whatever you do!!!!Horrible!!😤

I hate this game

This game was not good at all I recommend not playing downloading this game because it’s boring and it’s false advertisement and I hate this game

Awful game! Total scam! Don’t get

This game is the absolute biggest scam! Does not work when I expected it to. Hate it

Don’t get


Don’t waste your time

This game has to be created for baby’s or something. Idk what I expected to happen but it didn’t work. the only thing it does is puts a green red or blue like in the middle of the screen don’t waste ur time don’t get it


Just pranked my dad with this so good. I came into the room and shined the laser in his eyes he then became ecstatic and said he couldn’t take it anymore then shot himself in the chest 16 times! Great app for pranks!!

Worst game ever

The laser just pops up on your screen. It doesn’t do anything. I have four cats. All they did is listen to the weird noise that’s literally all it does the worst thing ever. I gave it a thumbs down. It also shows the person is going to use it. It’s gonna come out of your device. Well it doesn’t. It really doesn’t she’s like Pkew Pkew Pkew that’s really all it does is really bad I would not recommend getting

Baby voyager

It’s just not for me but I like it.


I downloaded it because I wanted to try it with my cat but when I pressed on the laser it didn’t even work. I am just so frustrated that I didn’t get to make my cat go crazy. 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤Dont download because it is a complete waste of your time.

I hate this app



If I turn on the “laser” nothing happens

I thought it would work💀

So, I got this game and didn’t look at the reviews of it. And I wanted to get it to tease my dog thinking it is the laser pointer. I was so excited and I tested it. Nothing worked. Nothing. So I kept trying and my mom thinks it’s just taking pictures but there’s nothing to take pictures of. I thought the laser pulses show up. It said joke so I was like YES. But it never worked. You can get the game if you want, but, it’s pretty bad in my opinion. It said “allow camera?” And I hit OK. But it never worked. This game was a bust. I thought it would be really fun. Get this game if you want but, like I said, it’s pretty bad. So if your like Laurenzside and you like stupid games than this is the one for u.

It’s a lie!!🤬🤬🤬

It’s a lie!!!! It didn’t even come out of your phone !!!!


This is a fake game don’t download it

it doesn’t work

it doesn’t work

So scary

I scared everyone (mom, sister, brother, friend, and my dog peed on the floor). 5/5 rating you should get it.


omg i downloaded this game and it was amazing me and my friends made a whole laser tag and if was so much fun! definitely download!! all those other comments are fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is crappy

It doesn’t work at all

Doesn’t even work

i wasn’t expecting it to work but i was board and gave it a go. literally all it does is show a laser pointer on your screen with a bean coming out of it.


I got excited and the it didn’t even work

Doesn’t work

Doesn’t work

Nezzycookielol🤩 was right

This game is such a fake. I'm going all around and I searched up fake games and this appeared so I downloaded this app it is the most fake and obvious scam do not download this app AT ALL.




So O have a lil o' kitty cat (=^ェ^=) and I don't have a laser pointer so I downloaded this game IT DOESNT WORK! 😡😡😡

The joke is on me ( o n o)- nooooo!

At first I thought that “Oh it’s a laser thingy that you can joke around with!” Then when I downloaded it I tried doing it but it was a waste of my time but I figured out why it’s a laser joke, because the joke is on you when you download it. It doesn’t even work. Oh and whoever made this app it stinks! Just to let you know!


Don’t waste your time thinking it’s a real lazer it’s just a dumb trash game or whatever it’s dumb if I could give it a 0 I would but since I can’t I give it a 1


This game is a waste of time I tried it who ever the creator is u dumb like Asian

Cat laser app

Make a new app please because it doesn’t show the laser on the floor. I’ll be nice to you this time because I’m an eight year old. Can you make a new app please because I just don’t like how it doesn’t show the laser on the floor, so how is your cat supposed to see it? That’s what I don’t get. thank you very much.- Isabel McPherson

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